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deep space network中文是什么意思

用"deep space network"造句"deep space network"怎么读"deep space network" in a sentence


  • 深度空间网络
  • 深空间跟踪网
  • 太空跟踪网
  • 太空网路
  • 太空网络, 深空网络


  • Same beam interferometry instrumentation technology of american deep space network
  • The fact of exploring outer space has proved deep space network is the vital mainstay of exploring space
  • Caption : : interplanetary unmanned spacecrafts are distant and their signals are very weak . using radio antennae , the deep space network was set up for the interplanetary telecommunications
  • Above this 34 - m antenna , called dss - 13 , is one of those large dishes of the deep space network in goldstone , california and is primarily used for receiving echoes reflected from asteroids when they are beamed by groundbased radio signals
    图上这座口径34米的天线,编号dss - 13 ,隶属美国加州的深空网络。当天文学家从地面向小行星发射无线电波时,小行星会把部分电波反射回地球,并由dss - 13所接收。
  • Above ) this 34 - m antenna , called dss - 13 , is one of those large dishes of the deep space network in goldstone , california and is primarily used for receiving echoes reflected from asteroids when they are beamed by groundbased radio signals
    (图上)这座口径34米的天线,编号dss - 13 ,隶属美国加州的深空网络。当天文学家从地面向小行星发射无线电波时,小行星会把部分电波反射回地球,并由dss - 13所接收。
用"deep space network"造句  
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